Historical Exposition
Address: Šafárikova 31, 048 01 Rožňava
Phone: +421 58 734 37 10, +421 940 108 384
E-Mail: info@banmuz.sk
Museum and Discovery Centre SENTINEL
Exposition of Nature of Slovak Karst and Surrounding Areas
Address: Šafárikova 43, 048 01 Rožňava
Phone: +421 58 734 40 98, +421 940 108 261
E-Mail: info@banmuz.sk, pokladna.sentinel@banmuz.sk
Gallery of Mining Museum in Rožňava
Address: Námestie baníkov 25, 048 01 Rožňava
Phone: +421 58 732 30 41, +421 940 108 384
E-Mail: info@banmuz.sk
Picture Gallery of Andrássy
Address: Lipová 122, 049 41 Krasnohorské Podhradie
Phone: +421 58 732 42 38, +421 940 108 384
E-Mail: info@banmuz.sk