Historical Exposition

Historical Exposition

Historical exhibition – presentational museum depository was made available to the public in September 1999. It is installed in a building from 1782, which used to be a central offi ce building of Marko’s manufacture dealing with production and processing of leather.

The exhibition is unique in Slovakia. It presents the most beautiful, precious and the most interesting articles documenting history, ethnology and military, collected in Mining Museum in Rožňava. Precious historical material referring to history of Rožňava and its immediate as well as wider surroundings is to be found here. Collectibles, made by our ancestors’ skilful hands, were a vital part of their everyday lives. Many of them present their sensuality and sense of beauty. The introductory part presents larger collectibles documenting history and ethnology of the region. Ethnological part includes items used in household interiors in countryside as well as in towns. It also comprises functional objects and housing items made of metal and wood, as these two materials were most commonly used. Production of sheet metal bells in Jelšava from the end of 19th century and beginning of 20th century is documented by vast collection of objects. Pottery had made the name of Gemer region in the entire Central Europe. Products created by Gemer pottery makers are mainly represented by household items with typical Gemer motifs. Manufacturing period of Gemer region is represented by items produced in stoneware manufac- tures in Rožňava and Muráň. Bobbin lace work, which altogether with pottery and bell-founding made Gemer famous, plays an irreplaceable role in this exhibition. Gar- ment industry isrichly illustrated by tra- ditional clothing, textile, and manufacture of textile fi bres as well as blueprints produced in manufactures in Rožňava and Dobšiná.

Craft items and items documenting life in guilds are the most essential part of the exhibition. They comprise guilds chests, assembly tables and seals.

Functional items such as household equipment, parts of burger’s garment and shoes, personal items and technical equipment constitute a large part of collections. The most interesting curiousity in the historical exhibitions are special emergency banknotes. Their mass-production was caused by economic crisis and collapse. Apart from Austrian and Hungarian, banknotes from Rožňava are also present.

Not lagre, but important part of exposition is dedicated to art. History is characterized by reliefs with religious topics, while modern times are represented by a non-professional collection of wooden reliefs and reliefs from various authors are also exhibited. Items documenting military history – weapons, artillery material, uniforms and various additional items comprise the collection of militaries.

Closing part of the exhibition is dedicated to skilful casters and the art of ironworking taking form of artistic functional and decorating casts and cast-iron stoves. Historical exhibition – presentational museum depository is a real feast for the eyes and an interesting testimony of life in our region – Gemer.

Šafárikova 31, 048 01 Rožňava Phone: +421 58 734 37 10


Opening hours and Entrance Fees:

Monday - Friday

9:00 am - 12:00 noon 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm

 Entries: 9:30 am, 10:30 am, 11:30 am, 1:30 pm, 2:30 pm, 3:30 pm, 4:30 pm


Entrance Fees:

Adults / Students, Senior citizens, Disabled person, Retired military person - 3 € /2 €

Family (2+2) - 7 €



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